Tunnel Vision

The world we currently live in is full of distractions. We are bombarded by screens constantly; be it our phone, our computer, or the television. The things that flood our lives sometimes make our vision a little bit blurry and makes us forget our true purpose as Christians.

Paul gave Timothy the charge to keep the commandment unstained, and to guard the deposit that has been entrusted to him in 1 Timothy chapter 6. In verses 20 and 21, Paul also warned about the irreverent babble of the culture. This is still true today. The difficulty of sifting out what is true to God’s Word and what is constantly being thrown in our face (portrayed as “knowledge”), is the struggle of today. Sometimes, this “knowledge” can be masked as good things and of positive value. However, the testing against God’s Word must still happen.

Before this warning by Paul, he provided a pathway for Timothy to keep his life unadulterated from the world. Paul wrote in verse 11, “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.” These are attributes of God and thus of Christ. Having a tunnel-vision pursuit of Christ will allow us to block out the irreverent babble of this world. However, make no mistake that our efforts are only done under the power of Christ our Lord. And He not only provides the power to do such things, He even rewards us with Himself at the end! What glory!

The summary of Sunday’s sermon is as such, “In the PURSUIT of Christ, we have the POWER of Christ, because of the PRICE Christ paid, that we obtain the PRIZE of Christ eternally.”

Church, let’s have this single-minded, single-hearted, tunnel-vision pursuit of Christ daily.