D-Group Posts

  • Hope Eternal
    Billy Graham once said, “Perhaps the greatest psychological, spiritual, and medical need that all people have is the need for hope. And this hope is found in the person of Jesus Christ who died for our sins, rose from the grave and is alive now.” Amy Carmichael was unfit to be a missionary. She suffered
  • Don’t Judge Me!
    Jesus’ words found in Luke 6:37 are likely some of the most misunderstood and misapplied in today’s culture: “Judge not, and you will not be judged …” Whether in the church or in the world, the mantra that is voiced and heard repeatedly is, “Don’t judge!” The sentiment is as follows: “You have no right
  • Breaking All The Rules
    Are you a rule follower, or do you consider the rules made to be broken? My brother has three wonderful children – a son, flanked by two daughters. They are gifted, creative, winsome, and love Jesus. Also, all three of them enjoy playing card games, board games, as well as the occasional video game. Out
  • Make Me Clean!
    It is always amusing when you travel or move to another country and begin to notice some of the interesting cultural distinctions that make each place and people unique and enjoyable. Having been born and raised in Germany during my childhood and early teens, there were certain manners and methods specific to a German way
  • Resurrection Life
    A skeptic’s response to the resurrection might sound something like this: “Do you seriously believe that Jesus was crucified in the most brutal and efficient manner devised in history and then rose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb behind?” Consider this question for a moment and then ponder your answer. Most of us would
  • The Weeping Humble King
    There are many reasons that cause people to shed a tear: grief, pain, depression, even joy. Usually the cause is an event or experience that affects us personally. It is much less common for us to cry over the needs of others. Whether this is due to narcissism and selfishness or a lack of compassion
  • Sharing Your Grace Story
    As part of the MyCircle Training we experienced on Sunday, we were encouraged to do three things related to unbelievers in our lives: pray daily, engage weekly, and share monthly. One of the tools provided to help us share monthly was to write out our grace story. This consists of two parts: sharing our salvation
  • The Cross Before Me …
    For many, the events described in Luke 5:1-11 are at least somewhat familiar. We can almost smell the wooden boats, feel the dampness of the nets, see the sun glistening off the water, and hear the lapping of the waves on the shore. We can empathize with the fishermen’s unsuccessful night of toiling – the
  • I Am All Ears!
    Have you ever made someone’s acquaintance, heard someone speak, or read someone’s work, and realized that they were arguably the leading authority in their field? Most of us have likely met competent, even gifted, individuals that could speak and function in a particular specialty, but the likelihood that any of us have ever met the
  • A Gospel For All
    Have you ever felt like you were special, part of a select few, and likely an essential piece to a significant project or plan? Maybe you were the first person picked for a playground game. Maybe you were given the impression that the selection process used to identify you was extensive. Maybe your employer has
  • So Much Better Than…
    A dozen sweet, freshly baked donuts that beg to be eaten… Items collected in an online “wishlist” quickly ordered with only a few keystrokes… Exciting, binge-worthy television shows ready to be watched for hours… We all have our little temptations. They often take the form of food, stuff, and comfort. And while those previously suggested
  • Well Pleased
    Words are unbelievably powerful! Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” I am sure most of us were told to respond to a verbal insult during our childhood with the following retort: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Certainly, the
  • Baptism: Water, Spirit, and Fire
    Everything about John the Baptist is captivating! First, John was born in a most unusual and miraculous way, fulfilling prophecies dating back 700 and 430 years before his birth (see Is 40:1-5 and Mal 3:1; 4:5). Also, his times were filled with turmoil and tumult, led by volatile and villainous people hungering for political and
  • Drawn to God’s Presence
    Many of us are familiar with the idiom “home is where the heart is,” yet most of us are less acquainted with its origin. The idiom communicates the sentiment that home is the place you are drawn to because it is where you find the people you love and who love you. It further carries
  • Children Change Your Life
    God always gives good gifts. In God’s sovereign and providential plan every moment, event, and circumstance – regardless of how it makes us feel – is for our good and for His glory. God is never frivolous or nonchalant with His actions. His ways are steadfast and His intentions are clear. He wants you to
  • Trust God’s Promises
    Announcements can be good or bad, captivating or dull, expected or surprising, routine or life-changing. We are usually notified of news pertaining to local and world events in real time. The announcements contain information that is aimed at the general public. Sometimes, however, we are singular recipients of spectacular news that is obviously above what
  • The Prelude to the Gospel of Luke
    Are you familiar with these opening lines from five classic literary works? “Call me Ishmael.”[1] “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”[2] “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
  • The Fatherly King, Forever
    Dads can create quite a stir on the elementary school playground. Claims of “my dad can beat up your dad” and “my dad is smarter than your dad” swirl among the littles as they banter back and forth, taking pride in their dad, who – in their mind is bigger than life. Similarly, the title,
  • The All-Powerful Valiant King
    In days of yore kings and leaders were frequently given impressive names in connection to their character or accomplishments. For example, Richard I of England is commonly referred to as Richard “the Lionheart” because of his courage and cruelty. President Abraham Lincoln was sometimes called “The Ancient One” because of his sage wisdom. More recently,
  • The Incomprehensibly Wise King
    “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” It is a familiar idiom that encourages us to persevere in the face of failure. Often it reminds us that failure is not the end, and that we should not give up on our goals or aspirations, but rather to keep trying until we succeed. Yet,
  • Advent: A Time To Remember
    Advent is nearing and Christmas is just around the corner. As I walked through the church building this morning, there was delightful laughter and creative chatter filling every space. Lights, decorations, and greenery were going up, as glitter found places to eternally abide. Yet, for many, this season is filled with busyness, even stress. Still,
  • All Forward, Hard!
    Over the years of serving as a youth pastor, my wife, Krista, and I have taken many students down to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, for what we called our Faith Fusion Trip. The purpose was to “fuse” the incoming freshmen into the senior high group through three days filled with cooperative
  • What’s the Difference?
    John G. Paton was called to reach the land of the New Hebrides (now the country of Vanuatu). It’s an archipelago of islands to the east of Australia. However, the inhabitants at the time were a little bit less than welcoming. He wasn’t the first one to encounter these people, which is what led to
  • Cheerful Giving
    Have you ever wondered what might be the most subtle of faith killers? There are quite a few cunning sins that could fit the bill: lust, hypocrisy, anger, pride, and others. However, as a believer who has trusted Christ in simple faith, is desirous of His transformational work, and determined to carry out His mission,
  • And Justice For All
    The first English words I ever learned , besides “What’s up, Doc?”, were the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. When work moved my family stateside, my parents quickly enrolled me at the local elementary school. I was both terrified and excited. While I felt like an alien among all of my classmates, I loved
  • The Weight of Glory
    There are places that put a lump in your throat, bring tears to your eyes, cause your gaze to fall and your voice to drop to a whisper. Maybe, like me, you have stood silently in the rain observing the sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, sat in the 130-year-old pews of the
  • Indubitably!
    “I doubt it.” It’s a common, quick response to a variety of questions: “Will you join us for dinner while you’re in town?” or “Do you think you will pass the exam?” or “Is there a chance we might get a discount?” “I doubt it.” Though the response can be applied to both positive or
  • Plot Twist
    A plot twist is only truly effective if the reader or viewer of the story has little to no premonition or warning of the twist, causing an exclamation of, “Woah! I didn’t see that coming!” In my opinion, a well designed plot twist is one of the most deliciously satisfying morsels placed at strategic points
  • True Courage
    Courage takes various forms. However, one thing is for certain: courage is never self-serving but rather fuels gospel witness! Consequently, for a follower of Jesus the alternative – cowardice – is not an option. No wonder that even a cursory reading of the Bible shows that God calls His children to be courageous and bold
  • Can You Hear Me Now?
    “So, faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” – Romans 10:17  Adoniram Judson has long been regarded as the first American missionary. In the early 1800s he brought the gospel to the country of Burma (now Myanmar). His most lasting work, however, was the Bible translation into Burmese that he gave
  • Walking the Walk
    Talk is cheap, but actions are expensive! It is incredibly easy to discuss needs, make promises, and talk of doing something. It is an entirely different thing to put discussion, talk, and promises into action. Most of us experience this truth at the same time every year when we make our New Year’s resolutions. We
  • Confession and Worship
    It is amazing how technology has changed in such a short period of time! One area in which this is especially noticeable is in the realm of photography. With the advent of digital photography, the power to take and retake, edit and re-edit, post and share photos has been placed in the hands of every
  • Lost In Translation
    The Bible – God’s Word – is truly remarkable! On the one hand, it is a complex literary masterpiece, incorporating a multitude of literary genres and expressing a broad spectrum of emotions. On the other hand, it is incredibly simple in its central message, prompting some cynics to label it as “silly” or “illogical”. It
  • Finish Line
    The Apostle Paul speaks quite frequently about running the race. He speaks of the need for commitment, stamina, and discipline (1 Cor 9:25-26), as well as the urgency to finish (2 Tim 4:7), and the aim to win the prize (Phil 3:14). But what exactly is Paul referring to when he uses the metaphor of
  • Hail to the Victor
    Many of us have experienced the convenience of flying across the country or around the world. For others, stepping onto a plane that is about to take flight is petrifying. Regardless of your disposition, manned flight seemed like a fairytale a little over 120 years ago. That is until Wilbur and Orville Wright proved it
  • Building Together
    In my teen years I used to build model cars and airplanes. They were intricate, consisting of many tiny parts that needed to be carefully filed, painted, and eventually, glued together to form the final design. It took some planning, following directions, and devoting attention to detail to make the replica worth setting out for
  • Pray, Send, Go
    This past Sunday, we heard an encouraging presentation from Pastor Wes, Christina, and the eight youth members who went on a mission trip to Nashville, TN. As Christians, we are called to be “on mission” but not all of us are called to be “missionaries”. Matthew 28:19-20 makes it plainly clear that we have been
  • Follow and Lead!
    It has been said that leadership and followership cannot be separated. One’s followership sets the pattern for one’s leadership. Nowhere is this truth more apparent than in the life of a Christian. Being a Christian means that you are a disciple of Jesus, and being a disciple of Jesus means that you are a follower.
  • Let’s Go!
    Who makes you drop everything just so you can spend a few minutes with them? Where would you go at a moment’s notice regardless of the time or cost? What invigorates you to get involved even when you feel weary? There are certain people, places, and activities that evoke a zealous response in us. We
  • What? Come Again?
    Certain events and ideas significantly alter the course of history. The Industrial Revolution, the Reformation, and World War II transformed society, religion, and politics as we know them. Similarly, the invention of the printing press, electric light, and the discovery of antibiotics revolutionized the world in which we live. On an even grander, cosmic scale
  • The Good Shepherd
    There’s nothing like show-and-tell in kindergarten! Remember when you would carefully choose your favorite talking robot, your cooing baby doll, or a unique souvenir from your recent family vacation, strategically conceal it in a backpack or other bag, and bring it to class? The anticipation would be palpable leading up to revealing your treasure to
  • Our Blessed Hope
    The wonderful pastor and commentator Warren Wiersbe wrote, “God’s people don’t live on expectations; they live on promises. Faith and hope are nourished by the promises of God given in the Scriptures” (The Bible Exposition Commentary, Isaiah-Malachi). The reason Wiersbe’s statement is so important to our Christian thinking and living is that our expectations, when
  • But who do you say that I am?
    In Mark 8:29, Jesus asked His disciples this exact question; “But who do you say that I am?” Peter very quickly and correctly answered, “You are the Christ!” This week, we find that Zechariah, in chapters three and four, previews this Messiah who is both a priest and a king. While Joshua and Zerubbabel have
  • Blessed Assurance
    Blessed assurance, Jesus is mineO what a foretaste of glory divineHeir of salvation, purchase of GodBorn of His Spirit, washed in His blood The lyrics of this much familiar hymn reflect what we read in 1 John 2:23-25: No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.
  • Tunnel Vision
    The world we currently live in is full of distractions. We are bombarded by screens constantly; be it our phone, our computer, or the television. The things that flood our lives sometimes make our vision a little bit blurry and makes us forget our true purpose as Christians. Paul gave Timothy the charge to keep
  • The Apple of His Eye
    I am sure you have heard the statement, “You are the apple of my eye.” It is used to communicate that someone is very important to you or that you are extremely fond of them. Biblically speaking, it also suggests a desire to guard and protect the beloved. The Scripture uses a form of this
  • Where Sin Belongs
    Are you super organized? Ladies, are all of your kitchen gadgets properly arranged and stored away? Men, does every tool have its place in your garage or workshop? Yes? But be honest… You have a junk drawer though, right? Don’t be ashamed. Everybody does. Every homeowner has a little drawer that is filled with a
  • Better Together
    The Bible is filled with men and women spanning a spectrum ranging from “righteously devoted” to “dreadfully depraved”. Certainly there are things to learn from both ends of the spectrum and from every spot in between – what to embrace and what to avoid. One of these stunning examples, found on the positive end of
  • Comfort My People
    In Zechariah 1:7-17, the prophet has the first of a series of eight visions that are part of a night-long dream. In this eight-part dream God pulls back the curtain to permit Zechariah a look past Israel’s discouraging circumstances and into the very heart of God and His plan for His people. Each part reaffirms
  • There’s No Place Like Home
    An old and familiar idiom says “Home is where the heart is.” The expression implies that home doesn’t necessarily have to be a building or even a place, but can be a person or even a relationship. Home simply feels right and invites a person to return and remain. There is no more wonderful place
  • An Undivided Heart
    Abraham Lincoln, the soon-to-become 16th president of the United States, said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The statement of the then U.S. senator cautioned against compromising on the issue of slavery. The powerful and memorable remark warned against threatening the stability of an already fragile nation by being divided on this foundational human
  • Always Faithful
    Semper Fidelis, Latin for “always faithful,” has been the Marine Corps’ motto since 1883. It embodies the Corps’ values of honor, courage, and commitment. According to its public website, the “United States Marines are a family that fights together, finding individual purpose in a collective cause—the protection of our Nation and the advancement of its
  • Filling An Empty Heart
    An empty bank account. An empty stomach. An empty house. An empty promise. Empty things usually disappoint. Moreover, empty things can’t fill an empty heart. And yet, we attempt to do this repeatedly and incessantly, hoping that at some point our efforts will yield a different result. Isn’t this what some people have determined to
  • Know God. Know the Bible.
    Ezra, the scribe, is first introduced into Israel’s post-exilic history in Ezra 7. Leading up to his arrival in Jerusalem, the primary characters, Zerubbabel, the governor, and Joshua, the high priest, were responsible for rebuilding the temple. With Ezra’s arrival the rebuilding of the nation now became the primary focus. Attention shifted from temple reconstruction
  • Live Dangerously & Witness Deliberately
    One of my favorite genres to read when I need a pick-me-up or simply a kick in the pants is biographies. These accounts of men and women’s lives are filled with demonstrations of great wisdom, perseverance, and valor! A few years ago I received a short biography of Alexander the Great. The biography reminded me
  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered
    Our name is important. It is closely related to our reputation. Our family name has the power to bless or burden. There is nothing more encouraging than hearing the words, “Oh, you’re William’s daughter! He was one of the kindest and most helpful men that I have ever known.” On the flip side, it is
  • How Sweet the Sound
    Do you have a favorite song? Why do you love it? Does the rhythm or melody put a spring in your step? Is it nostalgic? Does it bring back wonderful memories? Do the lyrics carry special significance and meaning to you? Without a doubt, one of the great hymns of the Christian faith is “Amazing
  • Wind and Waves
    A few years ago Krista and I had the joy of celebrating our 25th anniversary in Barbados. Admittedly, we are usually quite understated, maybe negligent, when it comes to commemorating our nuptials, but a quarter of a century is kind of a big deal. The weather was wonderful for most of our time on the
  • Listen Up!
    “Alright, boys. Now listen up!” These were the words with which my high school soccer coach began every halftime talk. After the whistle, the team would make their way to one end of the field and gather to listen to the words of our coach. He had personal playing experience and was competent in teaching.
  • Rejoicing in God’s Good Grace
    There are so many things worth celebrating! We celebrate milestones like gender-reveals, birthdays, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and retirements. We also celebrate accomplishments like passing an exam, a job promotion, and the purchase of our first home. Often these celebrations include invitations, music, dancing, balloons, laughter, and food. In many ways, celebrating is akin to
  • Let’s Eat!
    This weekend seems to be the one-stop destination for every snack-fanatic. The Super Bowl matches up the best two NFL teams in an end-of-the-year showdown and simultaneously brings the best and most delicious grub to the table. There is so much that is made available to the consumer! Companies actually introduce brand new tasty treats
  • The Pushback Against Obedience
    I am currently reading the classic Jules Verne novel, Around the World in Eighty Days. Growing up, my parents owned a black and white TV that provided two channels, and so I devoted my time to reading many of the classics like Call of the Wild, Moby Dick, Robinson Crusoe, and so on. That’s what
  • His Lovingkindness Endures Forever
    I just took a moment to check the delivery status of a recent book order. I was a little surprised and disappointed that it had not yet arrived in my mailbox. Can you relate? In this day of digital communication and online shopping it is not uncommon to want an immediate response and speedy delivery,
  • Obedience: The Highest Form of Worship
    In the first few verses of Ezra 3, we get a glimpse of the collective intent of the children of Israel. As “the people gathered as one man to Jerusalem” under the leadership of Joshua, the high priest, and Zerubbabel, they built the altar of the God of Israel. What we, as contemporary readers, often
  • Where We Belong
    As I sit here and type, I can hear the rain falling on the roof and running through the gutters. It is dark and cold outside. Even the tile floor in our kitchen is chilly. As you can imagine, I have no intentions to move, nor desire to go outside. On the contrary. I made
  • Something More Glorious
    “One of the great blessings of heaven is the appreciation of heaven on earth. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot On January 8, 1956 – 67 years ago – Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian were
  • Lost and Found
    Darkness hides things that should be visible. Practically speaking, we are either at darkness’ mercy or attempt to use it to our advantage. Neither approach is ultimately in our best interest. Darkness covers dangers making them impossible to avoid until it is too late, leaving us bruised. Walking into the jagged countertop corner or tripping
  • We’ll Leave the Light On!
    One of my favorite commercials used to be the Motel6 advertisements on the radio. As to why, is hard to say. Maybe it was the relatable reflections combined with their musical simplicity. Maybe it was the witty lines, delivered by the friendly voice of Tom Bodett tinged with the sound of southern hospitality. Who knows.
  • Scared of the Dark
    Have you ever been startled awake in the darkness of night and heard your house making eerie, inexplicable noises? Have you, subsequently, slipped out of bed as quietly as possible in order to investigate? In the process, have you found something that made your heart race or breath stop because you thought there was someone
  • Creator of Light and Life
    There is a two-fold purpose in the Gospel of John: (1) that we might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and (2) that by believing in Him we might have life in His name (Jn 20:30-31). Only God is able to create and give life, because He is life. Only God
  • Equipped to Make a Difference
    Perspective matters. Erwin Lutzer, in his book, Failure: the Back Door to Success, illustrates this by sharing this little story: A man who was losing his memory went to the doctor for advice. He received this diagnosis from the doctor, “We cannot help your memory without impairing your eyesight. Now the choice is yours. Would
  • Building with Purpose
    Earlier this summer – over the 4th of July weekend, to be exact – my wife Krista and I met my brother and his family in Nashville, Tennessee. Due to COVID restrictions, my brother, Philipp, and his family had been confined to the east coast since being transferred 18 months earlier, and this was the
  • Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
    I am not sure there is a better set of verses that illustrate the need to speak about Jesus than 2 Corinthians 5:20-21. In these verses, Paul uses ambassadorship to illustrate our extraordinary responsibility of representing the kingdom of God to the citizens of this world. He writes: Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God
  • More Than A Roll of Duct Tape
    Do you have a kitchen, a garage, or simply a drawer packed with a mess of random tools? Do you ever stumble across a gadget and wonder, “How did this get here and what’s it for?” In contrast, maybe your workbench and tools are perfectly organized by purpose and color. Or maybe you are indifferent
  • Celebrate! The Prodigal Has Returned!
    There are a myriad of reasons for people to celebrate. They may include the desire to build community, to foster a sense of gratitude, to create memories and traditions, or to mark the reaching of a milestone. In some instances celebration erupts out of a fortunate turn of events. When the circumstances seem least favorable,
  • At Peace or At War?
    If we look around, in our country and around the world, it wouldn’t take us long to realize that there is much war around us. The division in America, the war in Ukraine, the tension in the Middle East, all make for not so much peace. This is the reality of a broken, sinful world.
  • Submission: A Gift And An Opportunity!
    Earlier today, we strolled through the airport in Boston, stepped onto an airplane bound for Amsterdam, found a comfortable seat, and traveled across the Atlantic to our first stop on our way to Germany. Sounds quite leisurely and romantic doesn’t it? In actuality, any airline travel demands careful planning and attention to detail. Krista and
  • Forgiveness: Easier Said Than Done
    Forgiving those who have wronged you is hard. The reasons for this are plenty. One reason we struggle forgiving is because we feel as if, by doing so, we are approving of those hurtful actions. Another reason we struggle with forgiving is because we are afraid of being vulnerable and possibly being hurt again. Sometimes,
  • What Are the Needs and Opportunities Around Me?
    Let me get this out into the open… The neighborhood in which my wife and I live has caused a seasonal sore spot over the years. However, it’s not its location, the neighbors, or their demeanor that has caused this nagging agitation. On the contrary. We chose this home and its location more than twenty

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